Monday, October 5, 2009


As I'm driving home I ponder many things. Mostly bad or negative but ponder nonetheless. I think of all the demons I have from my past that follow me around and I think that someday I will have to face them and that scares me. As I drive I think of how I will write this entry and what is relevant for me to note and as always I almost immediately start to forget what I want to say. It occurs to me that I have not spoken to my father in months, as for all intensive purposes the asshole has pretty much abandoned me and my sis. No calls on birthdays, normal bullshit around Christmas I don't give a shit. Or do I? I wonder why I am all of a sudden thinking of the one that abandoned me and my sis and moved to Massachusetts with his "new" wife and seems to forget all father and family responsibilities. The fucked up part of all this is that the whole family turns a blind eye to the whole issue and doesnt bother to fucking intervene or they just dont talk to us at all anymore. No more invites to family occasions and me and sis get the awkward vibes when we show up to family occasions like "Why are you here?" After all these years my father turns into a duschbag and the whole family pretends that nothing is wrong and when they do take interest in the subject they think me and my sis should fix it. For example last year at Christmas my aunt, my fathers sister has the balls to say to my sister that it is her responsibility to fix this situation, ya know because its Christmas and all. Ya fuck you, he's supposed to be the "adult" why doesn't he fucking grow up and take responsibility for once instead of drinking another beer by himself again. That's a different subject all together and could require multiple blog posts so I'll keep it at that. So as I'm driving I wonder why he comes to mind? Could it be that my favorite season is Fall and that is his as well? Could it be fall was the time of the year that my parents got divorced? I don't remember. I think I have blocked most of that out of my mental memory to cope with life, I have always thought that I was stronger mentally and I would never have to deal with my emotional hardships but more frequently now I think they are starting to creep up on me and I don't know what will happen when they finally surface. I wonder why it is soo hard for me to be happy being single? Why must I always have a connection? Is it social or is it psychological, I don't know. Why? I must think on this. Meditate or something.


  1. This is ironic that you should write about such a subject. Here I am WANTING to be closer to my kids with a "new wife" in tow. My father abandoned me and my brother right after I was born. I have never seen him memory of him what so ever. So you have a similiar situation on your hands that my kids do but I am doing the opposite of what my dad did to me or what your dad is doing for you. I'm not perfect by any means but I like to think I am doing the 'right' thing. I hope I can complete this journey and for you...I am not sure you'd want to continue yours. Some people need to wake up on their own. It is clear to me you are already awake but are others? Not yet.

  2. Very good blog post indeed. things can only get better. The future is bright for John Alexson. Aka 21st birthday and possibly attending a star wars celebration. While these will not fix most of these issues at hand they certainly won't make these issues worse. As as time passes some issues will resolve themselves. Single is not the best state to be in but luckily it's only a temporary one.

  3. My dad has managed to alienate his entire side of the family...they think he's depressed, he thinks they're all whack jobs...which some of them are,, yeah...

    Bottom line, any time I go to a family celebration it's like: "Why doesn't he call us" or in my uncle's case he just glares at me the entire time until he gets pissed off and leaves. To them I want to say "Uh yeah, he barely talks to me anymore ...what the hell makes you think he's gonna talk to you?", not to mention the fact that if they're so worried, they can pick up the phone and call him themselves.

    I swear they all act like a bunch of fifth graders...and quite honestly I'm sometimes embarassed to admit they're family and they bear the Cheney name.

    As for the connection/relationship thing: everyone wants a connection, it's like a basic human need. One of these days you will find a girl that's worth your time and loves you for you...because the John Alexson I know is a pretty awesome guy :P

    I hate to sound like a cliche and a broken record...but things like that tend to happen when you "stop looking" I guess my advice is pretend you aren't looking?

  4. I have to agree...the best women I have met were the ones I wasn't looking for. Look at G! There is hope for you Little John!

  5. Thanks everybody, the comments mean alot to me! And I'm not just saying that :P
